The National Forestry Authority (NFA) was established under the National Forestry and Tree Planting Act 2001, as a Government parastatal responsible for the management of Central Forest Reserves. The NFA is under the Ministry of Water, Lands and Environment (MWLE) and is headed by a Board of Directors appointed by the Minister.
The mission of the NFA is “to manage the Central Forest Reserves on a sustainable basis and to support high quality forestry-related products and services to Government, local communities and the private sector”.

The Board of Directors is responsible, under the Act, for the proper management of the funds of the NFA. Section 71 of the Act mandates the Board to perform its functions in accordance with sound financial and commercial practice and ensure that revenue is sufficient to meet expenditure. The Board accepts responsibility for general direction and supervision of the NFA including its finances.


The Board is also charged with the responsibility of ensuring that the financial statements are prepared each financial year so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the NFA at the end of each year. The Board is also responsible for ensuring maintenance of proper books of accounts, safeguarding the assets of the NFA, and putting in place adequate systems and internal controls in order to minimise errors, fraud and other irregularities.

The Board wishes to thank all those who contribute towards the success of the NFA as we work towards achieving “a sufficiently forested, ecologically stable, and economically prosperous Uganda”.
